There are times when physical therapy can be one of the most calming, clarifying services on the planet. And this is one of them.
If you’ve never been lucky enough to receive a Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) massage, now is the time. This wonderful treatment utilizes slow, rhythmic manual manipulation to enhance fluid movement within your body’s lymph system.
MLD stimulates movement within the lymph system. This, in turn, calms the body, decreases pain, and reduces localized areas of swelling and fluid congestion.
It’s time to say “Ahhhhh”
MLD has a soothing effect on the body, attenuating the sympathetic system and promoting a parasympathetic response. It also relieves discomfort as it speeds up the drainage of pain-producing substances in the body tissue. In cases of lymph system impairment or when scar tissue is present, MLD helps to direct lymph fluid around blocked areas to areas in which fluid can move more freely and drain appropriately.
It is a wonderful therapy for the treatment of such conditions as:
- Cellulite
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- Diabetes
- Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Hematoma
- Impaired immunity
- Inflammation
- Lyme disease
- Lymphedema
- Migraine
- Post-traumatic swelling, such as a sprained ankle
- Post-surgical swelling, such as after an orthopedic surgery
- Pregnancy edema
- Pre-operative treatment, such as before a facelift or other surgery
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Scleroderma
- Sinus headache
- Sprains & strains
- Tinnitus
- Whiplash
The treatment provided at Sun Physical Therapy is based on the Vodder Method. The Vodder Method was developed by the French massage therapist couple, Dr. Emil Vodder, Ph.D., M.T. and Estrid Vodder in the 1930s. Sun Physical Therapy staff have received certification in this method through Klose Training.
MLD is a generally passive treatment. You can lie down and relax. Close your eyes if you wish. The treatment involves gentle massage applied to the skin. This is coupled with deeper techniques. During the session, you may start to feel a reduction in pain as the fluid moves out of congested areas. You may feel so relaxed that you fall asleep.
In many cases, your physical therapist will instruct you in diaphragmatic breathing to help stimulate the deep lymphatics. Sessions last anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes on average.
Contact Sun Physical Therapy to learn more about this treatment and how it can benefit you.
Also, for more information, we recommend “Lymph Talk,” a series of videos created by Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals. It is available at: 2022 ABMP CE Summit: Lymph – YouTube